Sunday, December 19, 2010

Night with Santa...

Last night we had a visit with Santa.

Zachary was too funny.

Zachary sat on Santa's lap, opened his present and kept handing Santa the wrapping paper to was adorable.

And while the other boys and girls received their presents, Zachary yelled from the back of the crowd, "thank you Santa." Awww so sweet.

Now Dimitri was on the naughty list before the party so when he saw Santa sitting before him, he begged me to tell Santa to remove him from the naughty list. Whew...just in time I am happy to report Dimitri is on the good list again. But Santa reminded Dimitri that he needed to listen to mommy.

Dimitri and Santa.

Kira and Santa.

Zachary talking to Yiayia on the phone.

Matri and Dimitri.

Dimitri, mommy, Stephanie and Kira.

Awww an awkward Kodak moment....but I love the picture!
The kids had a great time and were happy that Santa took time out of his busy schedule to spend a little time with them.

Christmas program...

On Thursday the boys had their Christmas program at daycare.

Dimitri practiced his songs everyday to prepare for the big day.

Zachary was adorable.

So cute.

Clapping his hands as he sang his Christmas carols.

Zachary's class.

Dimitri's class.

Both of the boys did an amazing job! We were proud parents!

Gingerbread houses...

It is a tradition that we make Gingerbread houses around Christmas.

Sweet Dimitri.

Zachary was adorable.

Love how he tilts his little head when he is focusing on the details.

Dimitri and Matri.

Dimitri did a great job.

LOVE that smile.

Zachary's house...this year Mada helped Zachary and we were off to a rough start but in the end the house looks fantastic.

Dimitri and Matri worked on theirs.

Great job boys~

Time to decorate the tree...

Last Sunday, it was finally time to put up the Christmas tree.


Zachary adding the bulbs.

Dimitri making sure he was very careful.

Zachary did an amazing job.

Dimitri was so proud of himself.

Zachary telling Mada all about the candycane he found.

Matri and Dimitri.

This is what happens when you tell Zachary not to get a big cheesy grin.

This is a picture of Zachary crying...awww look at those hands.

Too cute.

At first glance it looks like a Santa hat on their heads but they actually put stockings on their heads and ran around the house saying, "Ho Ho Ho."

The boys did an amazing job on the Christmas tree and that means Santa will be here soon!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Best Friends...

Year end pictures of the boys.

Handsome Zachary.

Adorable Dimitri.

Our two handsome boys. Brothers and BEST FRIENDS!


Last night Dimitri hit his head on the railing. Dimitri did not cry until he looked at me. I picked him up and I thought nothing of it until my face felt wet. I pulled back my hands on blood was pouring from his head. Needless to say...I freaked out. We took him to Urgent Care and they cleaned it up and told us he had a puncture wound and he would require 1 staple in his head. Ouch!

Dimitri getting his wound cleaned. I let him play games on my phone to distract him.

And this was the moment the doctor stapled his wound closed. The doctor said head wounds bleed a lot and that is why it appeared worse than what it really was. We are thankful he is okay and the staple will come out in seven days. Dimitri was a solider.

Christmas Carnival...

Monday night we took the kids to a Christmas carnival.

The boys loved the Christmas tree.

Matri and Dimitri.

Looks like Zachary made a new friend.

Playing games.

Dimitri is up next.

Look at the concentration on Zachary's face.

The boys were playing minute to win it.

Cicily even got in on the action.

Next was an obstacle course.

Making Mr. Potato Head.

Zachary did a great job.

Dimitri was up next.

Super job Dimitri.

Zachary and Santa.

The boys received a bell from Santa.

Crafts were up next.

Zachary is getting so big.

And so independent.

Momatri helping the boys,
Dimitri made a gingerbread man.

The finished product...simply perfect.
Zachary's Christmas tree was amazing.